Mar de plástico

I’ve been thinking about it for awhile.  It has been a unit that was eating at me!  I’ve gathered resources, thought about what I might create with them… but I never sat down and did it… until now!  It was a labor of love, let me tell you!  This is exactly what I wanted for my classroom (I’ll use the full version) but it is also something I wanted others to be able to share with their students.

Whether you know a lot or a little about ocean plastics, I think that this unit contains the information you need to be confident presenting it to your students!  I included a bibliography as well, in case you want to learn more!

Thank you for supporting all that I do, you guys have no idea how much I appreciate your kind words and encouragement!

They’re here! Three Plastic Ocean Units! Choose the one that meets your need:
The mini: 5 days
The abridged: 8-10 days
Or the full: 13-15 days
Don’t let the suggested days keep you from stretching the unit out as long (or going as fast) as you need to!  You don’t need all three.  Either choose the FULL and pick and choose activities you have time for, or choose the abridged or mini version to see what I would do if I were going to shorten to that amount of time!


  1. Thanks for this Carrie! I’ve been saving videos on this along the way this year thinking of doing an extended lesson for my 4/5s but hadn’t gotten to it yet. Mil gracias por tu trabajo! Becky

  2. Carrie, you don’t happen to have a French version of these lying about? This would be an awesome unit for my split 3/4s next year.

    • It is under construction! Catherine Ousselin is helping me with a translation!!! I’m so excited to have it available for French soon! I think it is an important topic in every language!

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