Free voluntary reading area





The building trades class made me a magazine rack last year and a huge shelving unit this year. I bought a Walmart bookcase and many books and magazines and violá! We have a reading nook! Well, we added the beanbags this year and NOW we have a reading nook!

Readers are leveled beginner, intermediate, advanced based on the length and difficulty of the books. I include the scholastic magazines in each level’s options. Most of the readers are from Club Leo. I buy magazines in the summer when I travel so I have a wide variety but I also subscribe to People en español to keep new stuff coming in regularly!

We have 1-2 ten minute reads per week and students really do a great job! I hope to double the library by next year! Slowly but surely, it will overtake the room, I hope! I’d love to channel Donalyn Miller and do some real, hard core learning what my kids like to read!


  1. At what point in your lesson do you like to have your reading time? I’ve thought of the end of the hour — have students pack up and then just read — but I am concerned about how much they will focus then. Suggestions?

  2. Those are wonderful beanbag chairs… I need to add a more comfy feel to my reading corner. I love your huge selection of magazines… one of my native speakers told me today that he wanted more readings with pictures to help him visualize what is written, but not children´s books. I love it when kids come tell me what they want to read!

  3. I see that you have the Ahora and Que tal scholastic magazines. Do you use those in class or only for FVR time?

  4. It would be unprofessional of me to salivate over your reading area, wouldn’t it? I WISH I could have beanbags, but I can barely even leave a stack of papers in my classroom. How can I achieve this awesomeness? My kids act like it’s a chore to do FVR for FIVE minutes once a week!

    • Those beanbags are the best thing I ever bought. My kids love them more than they’ve ever loved anything!

      Mine like FVR now that I have a giant library! When I had mostly people en español and scholastic magazines, it was not as interesting! We also got 2 grants for a total of 5 Kindles. Those encourage reading too!!! 🙂

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